Happy New Year 2010 everyone !!!
I know it is a lil bit late to write here but I think I need to write it.
There are so many resolution that I make this year, last year my resolution only to put on my body lotion just to moisture my skin.
But this year, so many… I mean it, the resolution including 7 aspect in my life and I hope I don’t need to redo this year’s resolution next year :-D *crossing finger*
And through this blog, I just wanna Thanked God for everything that He gave me last year.
The happiness, joy also the sorrow … He proves to me that He always there and never ever leave me alone.
I have a bad stomach on New Year’s Eve, I didn’t get chance to go to church.
And the stomach still continue until today, the day , the first time I write this blog in 2010 but it’s getting better.
I realized that my stomach getting better after I pray this morning to open the day, I thanked God for what I had for the rest of my life until now.
Thank you Lord,
Though I walk to valley of death, I fear no Evil and I will LIVE because of YOU !!
*photo taken from photosearch*