It is about life changing experience. Enjoy the blog, write your comment and hope that we all learn something about LIFE :)
Monday, 27 September 2010
Movie Review 2012
Saya akui, saya kecanduan nonton...
Saya akui, saya ketinggalan film- film menarik...
Sabtu dan Minggu kali ini saya pergunakan waktu untuk menonton beberapa film dan salah satunya film yang berjudul 2012.
2012 sejak ditayangkan telah menuai kontroversi.
Sebagian pihak beranggapan film ini bukan film yang mendidik.
Tapi kalau dilihat dari sudut pandang yang lain, menurut saya film ini layak untuk kita renungi bersama.
Di film ini saya belajar artinya keluarga.
Bahwa keluarga selalu menjadi bagian pertama dalam kehidupan kita yang sangat berarti. Kita akan melakukan apapun agar orang- orang yang kita cintai dapat selamat walaupun kita harus mempertaruhkan pekerjaan bahkan nyawa kita.
Pelajaran kedua yg saya dapat, don't judge the book by its cover. Kita tidak akan pernah tahu mungkin suatu ketika, orang yang kita remehkan bisa saja menjadi penolong atau sebaliknya, orang yang kita agungkan dapat membuang kita begitu saja.
Pelajaran ketiga, ini pelajaran yang juga penting. Bahwa dunia akan kiamat bila masing- masing kita kehilangan kemanusiaan kita.
I know we have all been forced to make difficult decisions to save our human civilization.
But to be human means to care for each other and civilization means to work together to create a better life.
If that's true then there's nothing human and nothing civilized about what we are doing here. Ask yourselves, can we really stand by and watch these people die?
I read a book two days ago. The author is probably dead by now but he said, "the moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment that we lose our humanity."
"Everybody out there has died in vain if we start our future with an act of cruelty. What will you tell your children? What will they tell theirs?" - Adrian Helmsley, 2012
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Below are the summaries of Good Morning Hard Rock FM Radio Show on Wednesday, Sep 22nd, 2010 with Iwet Ramadhan, Ayu Dewi and Rene Suhardono Cananeo.
There is no way we shall be able to take the lead in all things ourselves.
Some managers may feel they never need to delegate since they can do it faster and more precise, alone.
Reasons why people don't delegate : lack of trust, plain silly or afraid of the other person will do better.
If you think that way, here is the question: "Do you want to be the same type of work 10 (ten) years from today?"
Delegation is not just to complete work. It is the path to grow proffessionally and personally.
Great people and great companies are masters in delegation.
We don't delegate because we have to , we delegate because it is the best way to empower people.
The prospect of somebody can do the work better than us should be seen as great news and not as a threat.
There is no better way to grow and to improve business than to delegate to every able and willing people.
The key to delegation: different people has different style of delegation.
You can delegate authority but not responsibility.
You need to understand the nature of the work and the way to break them into pieces before delegation.
Spend time to understand your team member's passion, talent, ambition etc
Be their boss and be their coach. The best support is by being there when they need you.
Your job is to assist them over difficult phase and to show them that they are able.
But you have to be able to do it yourself before begin delegating any work.
Build business around people not the other way.
Never compare your own experience when delegating work. You are you, they are not you.
There is no way we shall be able to take the lead in all things ourselves.
Some managers may feel they never need to delegate since they can do it faster and more precise, alone.
Reasons why people don't delegate : lack of trust, plain silly or afraid of the other person will do better.
If you think that way, here is the question: "Do you want to be the same type of work 10 (ten) years from today?"
Delegation is not just to complete work. It is the path to grow proffessionally and personally.
Great people and great companies are masters in delegation.
We don't delegate because we have to , we delegate because it is the best way to empower people.
The prospect of somebody can do the work better than us should be seen as great news and not as a threat.
There is no better way to grow and to improve business than to delegate to every able and willing people.
The key to delegation: different people has different style of delegation.
You can delegate authority but not responsibility.
You need to understand the nature of the work and the way to break them into pieces before delegation.
Spend time to understand your team member's passion, talent, ambition etc
Be their boss and be their coach. The best support is by being there when they need you.
Your job is to assist them over difficult phase and to show them that they are able.
But you have to be able to do it yourself before begin delegating any work.
Build business around people not the other way.
Never compare your own experience when delegating work. You are you, they are not you.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
First day of school
Tidak terasa putra kecilku sudah mulai sekolah.
Rasanya baru kemarin saya menyusui, menggendong dan mendekapnya erat dalam pelukan.
Kini, hari- harinya sudah mulai disibukkan dengan kegiatan sekolah selama tiga hari dalam seminggu.
Hampir tiga tahun berlalu dan banyak kejadian yang menakjubkan hadir selama kurun waktu tersebut.
Ajaib, bahwa seorang bayi kecil yang dahulu sangat bergantung kepada saya ibunya sudah bisa memilih pakaian apa yang mau dia kenakan.
Ajaib, bahwa setiap kata yang terlontar mampu menyejukkan hati ini dan seringkali membuat tertawa.
Ajaib, bahwa penyertaan Tuhan nyata terhadapnya dan keluarga kami.
20 Agustus 2010, Darren mulai sekolah di taman bermain dekat rumah.
Ada sedikit rasa sesal karena bukan saya orang pertama yang mengantarnya melewati gerbang sekolah.
Tapi tahun depan pasti saya yang akan mengantarkannya kembali ke sekolah.
Malam hari sebelum Darren mulai bersekolah, dia berkata “Siap Sukses!”
Entah dari mana dia mendapatkan kata- kata seperti itu..
Semoga kata- kata itu memotivasi dia untuk meraih apapun yang dia cita- citakan.
Selamat Sekolah Nak dan Siap Sukses!
Saturday, 11 September 2010
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