Friday, 1 March 2013

1.3.13 Can I survived March?

Hi there!

Been a while for me not to write any post since New Year 2013 :)

Well, life is quite busy these days :)

I wanna give thank to Thy for allowing me to enter March 2013.

1.3.13 is an unique number :)

So many things happened in Februari 2013!

I think the one that hit me very hard that my mom suddenly suffer painfully, she had this spinal stenosis :(

She can't stand up, she can't sleep well because it hurts badly!

I don't know what to do... I brought mom for MRI and her first physioteraphy.

I only pray to God that she will be able to stand up and walk again.

I don't ask much, please make her to be able to walk again!

Operation is the last choice that we will went through if this physiotherapy didn't give any solution.

God, please help her to go through this situation!

She probably frustrated because she can't doing things that she loves....

I beg Your mercy God, please grant her healthyness...

All I want is healthyness among my family...

I don't ask for gold, money or fame...

Hear my prayer o Lord.... help me, help her... help us....

Your daughter,

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